Introduction :

A large section of the members of the Indian Medical Association across the country own Nursing Homes, Clinics where procedures are done and Diagnostic Centers which are owned by them and not by Corporates or Businessmen.

They have their own peculiar problems which other IMA members in Government service, or as employees of Corporate establishments do not face. The whole IMA thus is divided according to specific interests of each member. To look after the specific interests and problems of the members of who run Nursing homes and Establishments, the IMA has started, in DEC 2011, a Hospital Board of India. (Read Rules and Byelaws)

Its objectives are:
1. To assist Hospitals to achieve international standards in patient care and safety
2. To assist Hospitals to countenance Clinical Establishment Act
3. To increase the viability of small and medium sized hospitals by value addition.
4. To provide hospitals an affordable access top accreditation.

The HBI is a body with a national Executive, an Executive in every State branch and an Executive in every District branch.

The Executive Members are the following:

National HBI
Chairman Dr R V Asokan 9847061563
Secretary Dr Jayesh Lele 9821220519
National Director Dr. D. D. Choudhury 9897296200
Uttaranchal State HBI
Chairman, Zone I Dr Alok Semwal 9837607123
Chairman, Zone II Dr J. S. Khurana 7060304050, 9927044141
Hony. Secretary, Zone I Dr. Amit Singh 9412347530
Hony. Secretary, Zone II Dr. Naresh Mehrotra 9319954450

Forthcoming Activities of the HBI State and District levels:

1. Consolidation of HBI at District levels:

  • a. Incorporation of changes in Constitutions/ Rules & Byelaws of every District Branch & State (where required)
  • b. Nominations/ Elections of HBI Executive (where required)
  • c. Opening of Bank Accounts in respective names (Example IMA HBI-Dehradun, IMA HBI-Haridwar, IMA HBI-Uttaranchal State Chapter etc)

2. Membership Drive and Registration:

1. Health care institutions (Clinics/ Hospitals/ Laboratories/ X-Ray Clinics/ Ultrasound centers) should offer modern medicine services.
2. Health care institutions owned by a non medico should have one sponsor/ who is a life member of IMA, and who should represent that Institution in either administrative or professional capacity.

Each establishment/ Hospital is to contribute Rs. 100 per annum to the IMA HBI Headquarters, and Rs. 100 per annum to the HBI Uttaranchal State. For ease of administration, a consolidated five years fee shall be charged in Uttaranchal State for five years. Rs.1000/- per establishment is thus payable to the IMA HBI Uttaranchal at the time of registration through the local chapter.

Each district is to charge an additional local fee as deemed fit by its Executive as well as an entry fee for the first time.

Fee structure at District Branch level

S. no. Type of Establishment Entry fee Amount for 5 yrs
1 Beds up to 20 500 1500
2 21 -50 beds 1000 3000
3 51-100 beds 2000 6000
4 Over 100 beds 3000 9000
5 Over 300 beds 5000 15000
6 Diagnostic Centers 500 1500
7 Clinics 500 1500

Annual affiliation fee (payable by DD favoring “IMA HBI, UA state chapter” payable at Dehradun) by the Hony. Secretary of the local chapter of HBI.

Membership numbers shall be provided by the Uttaranchal State HBI, in the following Format:

IMAUA/HBI/ Branch/yyyy/mm/nnnn

Here yyyy shall stand for year of registration, and mm shall stand for month of registration. nnnn is a sequence number which shall not be repeated and upto 9999 establishments can be registered.

3. Pre-Accreditation/ Entry level Accreditation.


IMA – NABH initiative is the flagship programme and legacy of IMA 2015 under the leadership of National President Dr A Marthanda Pillai and HSG Dr K K Aggarwal. IMA Hospital Board of India is implementing the project.

Objectives :
1. To assist hospitals to achieve national and international standards in patient care and safety.
2. To increase the viability of small and medium hospitals by value addition.
3. To provide hospitals an affordable access to accreditation.


NABH Objective is to operate accreditation and allied programs in collaboration with stakeholders focusing on patient safety and quality of healthcare. Accreditation standards for Hospitals were developed in 2006. However only 282 hospitals have achieved accreditation across the country as large number of hospitals face challenges and difficulties in implementing all the standards.

SHCO (Small Health Care Organizations)

Approximately 50,000 health care organizations are functioning in our country out of which significant number fall under the Small Health Care Organizations, which is less than 50 beds according to NABH definition. Lack of knowledge, poor insurance coverage and other challenges are the road block for enhancing the quality of care and Patient Safety.

Entry Level Standards

To be more inclusive and encourage HCOs and SHCOs to join the quality journey, NABH has developed Pre Accreditation Entry Level standards, in consultation with various stakeholders including IMA in the country, as a stepping-stone for enhancing the quality of patient care and safety. Certification standards is divided into 10 chapters, which have been further divided into 41 standards. Put together there are 149 objective elements incorporated within these standards which is almost one-fourth of the full accreditation standards. SHCO entry level requirements focus on the most critical elements important for patient safety. This makes accreditation affordable and will encourage the hospitals to adopt quality initiative and to attain the next stage (progressive level) and eventually full accreditation. These are easily achievable, sustainable, and are equally applicable to both government and private hospitals. These standards can be adopted as minimal empanelment criteria by the insurance industry.

Breakup of standards at all levels
1. Patient Centered Standards:
  • Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)
  • Care of Patients (COP)
  • Management of Medication (MOM)
  • Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
  • Hospital Infection Control (HIC)
2. Organisation Centred standards:
  • Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  • Responsibilities of Management (ROM)
  • Facility Management and Safety (FMS)
  • Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Information Management System (IMS)
No. of Standards No. of Objective Elements
Pre Accreditation Entry Level Standards for Small Health Care organization (Less than 50 beds) 41 149
Full Accreditation Standards for Small Health Care Organisations (Less than 50 beds) 61 289
Pre Accreditation Entry Level Standards for Hospitals (More than 50 beds) 45 167
Full Accreditation Standards for Hospitals (More than 50 beds) 102 636

IMA has joined hands with NABH (Click here for IMA-NABH memorandum of Understanding) to work together to enhance quality of care & patient safety in HCOS and SHCOs across the country. IMA’s execution is through IMA HBI. IMA ‘s objective is to help the small and medium hospitals to survive and remain viable. Value addition with entry level NABH will empower their entitlement. IMA shall help to prepare hospitals and nursing homes for NABH Pre accreditation entry level accreditation at much lesser cost than private players in the market. Cost cutting will be effected through cluster formation and training in groups.

Fee - NABH (Entry level accreditation)
Financial Terms and Conditions
For Hospital

Copy of NABH Pre Accreditation Entry Level Standards for hospital : Rs. 1500/-

Organization Assessment Criteria Certification Fee (Rs)
Assessment Application Fee Certification Fee
Hospital One Man day Rs 2000/- Rs 25,000/-

Note : The man days given above for assessment are indicative and may change depending on the facilities and size of the hospital.     Service Tax applicable from time to time (currently @ 12.36%) will be charged on all the above fees.


Copy of NABH Pre Accreditation Entry Level Standards: Rs. 1000/-

Organization Assessment Criteria Certification Fee (Rs)
Assessment Application Fee Certification Fee
Hospital One Man day Rs 2000/- Rs 25,000/-

Note: The man days given above for assessment are indicative and may change depending on the facilities and size of the SHCO.

Service Tax applicable from time to time (currently @ 12.36%) will be charged on all the above fees. You are requested to please include the service tax in the fees accordingly while sending to NABH.

Hand holding (training) expenses of IMA (Entry level accreditation)
  • Small Health Care Organizations (SHCOs) (less than 50 beds) : Rs 30,000
  • Hospitals (50-100 beds): Rs. 50,000
  • Hospitals above 100 beds: will be fixed according to bed strength between Rs 50,000 and 1 lakh

Hony. State Secretary IMA UA State Branch &
National Director, IMA HBI
E mail :

(Dr Alok Semwal)
Chairman, Zone I
IMA HBI UA Chapter
E mail :

(Dr J. S. Khurana)
7060304050, 9927044141
Chairman, Zone II
IMA HBI UA Chapter

(Dr. Amit Singh)
Hony. Secretary, Zone I
IMA HBI UA Chapter
Email :

(Dr. Naresh Mehrotra)
Hony. Secretary, Zone II
IMA HBI UA Chapter
Email :

You are requested to file an expression of interest along with basic data of the hospital and DD for the appropriate amount (IMA expenses) favoring ‘IMA Hospital Board of India’ payable at New Delhi .